FOUR FEATHERS PRESS ONLINE EDITION: PANTOUM FESTIVAL Send up to three pantoums on any subject, totaling up to 150 lines in length, in the body of an email message or attached in a Word file to by 11:59 PM PST on December 15th. No PDF's please. Color artwork is also desired. Please send in JPG form. No late submissions accepted. Poets and artists published in Four Feathers Press Online Edition: Pantoum Festival will be published online and will be invited to read at the Saturday Afternoon Poetry Zoom meeting on Saturday, December 16th between 3 and 5 pm PST.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

Michelle Smith

The city of LA proclaimed 12.13.23 Depeche Mode Day

All the hits of this retro four men 

British band

David Gahan you've got the moves and 

I must say.

All the hits of this retro four men

British band

Policy of Truth is their best 

selling song yet.

Shake The Disease is the first song

I remember

People Are People is meaningful and beyond measure.

Policy of Truth is their best selling

song yet.

Enjoy The Silence was filmed at 

the beach 

King David gold and gem crowned 

with a red velvet cape

MTV repeated the video the lyrics and 

singing my mind could not escape.

Enjoy The Silence was filmed at

the beach.

What a year for DM since the group, 

now a duo is still first rate.

It's 2023 and for more than 40 years,

I enjoy the electronic dancing and 

The duo Tears for Fear.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Lori Wall-Holloway

Time to Make Room


Troubles busy my poor distracted heart   

fills my mind with needless clutter             

It becomes hard to focus once apart

as emotions fight each other


Fills my mind with needless clutter

leaving no room for fresh godly wisdom

as emotions fight each other

I rapidly battle not to succumb


Leaving no room for fresh godly wisdom

I work to purge and clear out stuff

I rapidly battle not to succumb

Declaring no more! It’s enough!


I work to purge and clear out stuff

Creating ample space for a new start

Declaring no more! It’s enough!

Troubles busy my poor distracted heart 

Wound of the Heart so Deep

(For our cat, Gizmo)


Wound of the heart so deep 

because we had to let you go

My sorrow welcomes sleep 

despite the tears that freely flow 


Because we had to let you go

our life with you seems brief 

despite the tears that freely flow 

I navigate my grief


Our life with you seems brief 

Although, a part of us for years

I navigate my grief

With losing Gizmo, who was dear


Although, a part of us for years 

I must let myself weep 

with losing Gizmo, who was dear

Wound of the heart so deep



Petrouchka Alexieva

Under the Moonlight


The days of our life are written in the sky

like blinking points in a dark. Just look up,

they will tell you the truth. If you know

how to read the stars, they’ll answer questions

 ‘What?”, “Where?” and “Why?”.


All lines are the walks we take

-        big and small, all forest thin paths,

all the city big freeways on which we harry

to accomplish, to give and to get,

all the paths on which we love or hate.


From time to time,

we stop and look up at the mistic sky

to get the guidance and read the maps

of the distance nebulas and conciliations

hoping that we are born in the right zodiac.


Since the first human was born, we send chants

the two biggest dots - the Moon and the Sun.

We look at the crystal ball of our life

under the moonlight and hoping to see

another bright morning light.

Patricia Murphy


The power of love 

Is truly amazing. 

It's wonderful.  

Like a sonnet.  

Love is spectacular.  

The power of love. 

Is fascinating.  

It's wonderful.   

Take Two

Being on a movie set 

Is great.  

Like a beautiful script.  

It's sensational.   

It's something to watch. 

Being on a movie set.  

It's fantastic.  

Like a beautiful script. 

R A Ruadh

The unofficial uncounted

The pile of rubble was her home

The dogs are lurking all around

For them there was no Iron Dome

Drones and bombs the only sound

The dogs are lurking all around

She guards her family with her tears

Drones and bombs the only sound

She speaks her love and no-one hears

She guards her family with her tears

First generation now the last

She speaks her love and no-one hears

The future has become the past

She was the first and now the last

A living gravestone waiting to die

The future has become the past

Dust shifts and corpses softly sigh

A living gravestone waiting to die

For them there was no Iron Dome

Dust shifts and corpses softly sigh

The pile of rubble was her home

Six hours before the pause a family dies in a bombing.  One child blown 20 meters by the blast.  The others buried and unrecoverable. The 71 year old grandmother sits atop the rubble, keeping vigil and protecting her descendants from hungry dogs.  

Reported on CNN.

Mark A Fisher


Thomas hadn't expected to be alive    

when the town's time capsule was opened

but moments had piled up like snowdrifts

covering secrets that had been forgotten

when the town's time capsule was opened

discovered beneath the founder’s statue

covering secrets that had been forgotten

through diligence and death

discovered beneath the founder’s statue

were the bones of scandals buried

through diligence and death

and slow ticking of generations

were the bones of scandals buried

underneath cenotaphs of victims

and slow ticking of generations

a tiny taste of vindication

underneath cenotaphs of victims

but moments had piled up like snowdrifts

a tiny taste of vindication

Thomas hadn't expected to be alive    


there are waves crashing on rocky shores

sunset sinks beneath a western horizon

as stars begin to twinkle in sapphire skies

while spirits float away on gentle zephyrs

sunset sinks beneath a western horizon

tide pool lives alter from tides coming in

while spirits float away on gentle zephyrs

as trapped moments drift out of the way

tide pool lives alter from incoming tides

unbound and freed of chained purpose

as trapped moments drift out of the way

drawn down into that infinite abyss

unbound and freed of chained purpose

the watcher now waits upon the border

drawn down into that infinite abyss

concentrated in Stygian misgivings

the watcher now waits upon the border

as stars begin to twinkle in sapphire skies

concentrated in Stygian misgivings

there are waves crashing on rocky shores


in the lonely moments before dawn

all my ghosts come to me whispering

telling tales they’ve told me before

that I’ve gathered up into verse

all my ghosts come to me whispering

reminding me of foolish deeds

that I’ve gathered up into verse

that I’ve painted into starry nights

reminding me of foolish deeds

lost to everyone but the specters

that I’ve painted into starry nights

that hide all behind halos of pain

lost to everyone but the specters

hiding behind their phantom fingers

that hide all behind halos of pain

still they cling onto me

hiding behind their phantom fingers

telling tales they’ve told me before

still they cling onto me

in the lonely moments before dawn

Radomir Vojtech Luza

The Courageous Kind

Sometimes time is not blind

Seeing through a Redwood tree

Beating us up

Without letting us be

Seeing through a Redwood tree

Like children the Queen Bee

Without letting us be

The brave ones find the river to the sea

New Blue

When we laugh

We can see

As we think

We are free

We can see

When the sky is as strong as Robert E. Lee

We are free

Once harmony meets rhapsody

Brilliant Genius

We are all masters

Licking our disasters

Never knowing why

Falling down to cry

Licking our disasters

Muses moving faster

Falling down to cry

Sifting through the sigh 

Bill Cushing

Leon Redbone in Toronto



Leon decked out in black, Ray-Bans perched on

a Syrid nose, his drooping moustache surrounds

the soul patch: a musical sage

peering from beneath that Panama hat.


Leon fretted multi-tonal sounds

from each and every timeless tune

with a voice sometimes smooth, then scat,

while coaxing that acoustic guitar.


Leon, ageless as a harvest moon,

did not die so much as exit the stage,

returning to the Araby bazaar,

and though gone, he continues to shine on.

Shih-Fang Wang

After Death


No one knows for sure

What happens to the soul after one’s demise

Does the soul have another tour

You may have your own surmise


What happens to the soul after one’s demise

There are different kinds of speculation

You may have your own surmise

No one can disprove your postulation


There are different kinds of speculation

You may come up with a ghost word

No one can disprove your postulation

Though some may think it is absurd


You may come up with a ghost word

Hinting the soul has another tour

Though some may think it is absurd

No one knows for sure

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Jeffry Jensen


The food mart turned almost fancy.

The food mart bulged full.

I bought seedy bagels for Nancy

As she made her way to school.

The food mart bulged full.

Nancy had "Deacon Blues" in her ears

As she made her way to school.

I see myself expanding the elementary years.

Nancy had "Deacon Blues" in her ears

As a blistering sun filled her face.

I see myself expanding the elementary years

That Nancy desperately wants to erase.

As a blistering sun filled her face,

I wrap my thoughts into a philosophical ball

That Nancy desperately wants to erase.

The food mart closed its doors in the Fall.

Emil “Gene” Schultz Jr


I love you very much

Your embrace and your kiss

So soft and supple to the touch

When apart I really miss


Your embrace and your kiss

Stir my passions beyond belief

When apart I really miss

Be it long or be it brief


Stir my passion beyond belief

So I can enjoy all your charms

Be it long or be it brief

Sets off all the alarms


So I can enjoy all your charms

Not sure I like you as such

Sets off all the alarms

I love you very much


Mirjana “Mira” N. Matarić

Like a Rose


I believe I am a writer

I prefer poetry to prose

prose can be long and lighter

poems beautiful like a rose


I prefer poetry to prose

they are music to my ears

poems beautiful like a rose

they belay all my fears


they are music to my ears

like voices of angels on high

they belay all my fears

and I know why


like the voices of angels

I always feel brighter

and I know why

I believe I am a writer

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Dean Okamura

Norman Rockwell, "New Kids in the Neighborhood" (1967)

New to the neighborhood


We stick with our tribes for many reasons 

They say birds of a feather stick together 

Aren't we supposed to love our neighbors 

Sometimes we feel more comfort and care 

They say birds of a feather stick together 

Speaking the same language makes us smile 

Sometimes we feel more comfort and care 

It's nice when we accept each other 

Speaking the same language makes us smile 

Etiquette rules vary in people and place 

It's nice when we accept each other 

Respecting our elders lights our way 

Etiquette rules vary in people and place 

We seek a common empathy for man 

Respecting our elders lights our way 

Everyone suffers in darkness and cold 

We seek a common empathy for man 

We value uniqueness when hearts are right 

Everyone suffers in darkness and cold 

We spread the benefits of living in peace 

We value uniqueness when hearts are right 

We stick with our tribes on many occasions 

We spread the benefits of living in peace 

Aren't we supposed to love our neighbors 

Robert Fleming

first contact’s rodeo


ace-low I’m a bull

airin' the horn

tenderfoot me on wool                   

above board in corn


airin' the horn

heat 1: steer wrestlin’

above board in corn

desert canary menacin’


heat 1: steer wrestlin’

heat 2: tie-down ropin’

desert canary menacin’

barn sour breakin’


heat 2: tie-down ropin’

heat 3: breakaway ropin’

barn sour breakin’

howdy needs soakin’


heat 3: breakaway ropin’

tenderfoot me on the bed

howdy needs strokin’

ace-high we’re bred

CLS Sandoval

Alexandrine Realization 

My greatest accomplishments are behind me 

I once was so young and impressive, beautiful 

Always moving so quickly toward the finish line 

So many people said, “Wow! She’s so very young!” 


I once was so young and impressive, beautiful 

I had finished degrees in my early twenties 

So many people said, “Wow! She’s so very young!” 

Champion undergrad speaker and debater  


I had finished degrees in my early twenties 

I’m sometimes ashamed I still don’t own my own home 

Champion undergrad speaker and debater  

My greatest accomplishments are behind me 

The Synagogue in Frankfurt am Main, 1919 by Max Beckmann 

The synagogue in Frankfurt stands tall

Constructed over two years, it opened in 1910

Max Beckmann captured his interpretation nine years later

Imagine how much the building survived

Constructed over two years, it opened in 1910

Before World War II, 30,000 Jews lived in the city

Imagine how much the building survived

By the time the US arrived in 1945, only 100 Jews remained

Before World War II, 30,000 Jews lived in the city

Beckmann captured the life and play of the synagogue

By the time the US arrived in 1945 only 100 Jews remained

The artist didn’t imagine the death that lay ahead

Beckmann captured the life and play of the synagogue

And there is a softness, a magic in his perspective

The artist didn’t imagine the death that lay ahead

The synagogue in Frankfurt stands tall 

Tree’s Canopy 


Mind crowded with pensive thoughts now released 

The workout with the other moms allows an exhale 

Babies giggle and gurgle on blankets within our circle 

We lie, backs on the grass, eyes taking in filtered sunlight 


The workout with the other moms allows an exhale 

The stress from home fades after exercising together 

We lie, backs on the grass, eyes taking in filtered sunlight 

Green leaves frame the clear blue sky above the park 


The stress from home fades after exercising together 

There’s a sisterhood here, a common mom-experience 

Green leaves frame the clear blue sky above the park 

Our breaths are deeper, our children calmer 


There’s a sisterhood here, a common mom-experience 

My eyes follow the lines of the tiny branches 

Our breaths are deeper, our children calmer 

The tiny branches have layers of full, green leaves 


My eyes follow the lines of the tiny branches 

Sunlight peaks through small openings, causing me to squint 

The tiny branches have layers of full, green leaves 

Mind crowded with pensive thoughts now released 

Mary Mayer Shapiro

Coming Home  


Winding dirt road leads to the old farmhouse  

Faded yellow house requires repair 

Precarious porch steps squeak with each step to the entry  

Wooden rocking chair’s worn pad still looks inviting 


Faded yellow house requires repair  

Dusty welcome mat comes alive when guests approach  

Wooden rocking chair’s worn pad still looks inviting  

Windows stained by sun rays  


Dusty welcome mat comes alive when guests approach  

Threadbare curtains cover panes as best they can  

Windows stained by sun rays  

Knocker on the door seems to reach out  


Threadbare curtains cover panes as best they can  

The knob turns as the door opens  

Knocker on the door seems to reach out  

Answered by an angelic smile and glowing halo for a hat  


The knob turns as the door opens  

Newcomers step over creaking threshold 

Answered by an angelic smile and glowing halo for a hat  

Room filled with friends and relatives of the past  


Newcomers step over creaking threshold 

Salutations filled the air when coming back home again  

Room filled with friends and relatives of the past  

Generation home built by Great grandpa 


Salutations filled the air when coming back home again  

Precarious porch steps squeak with each step to the entry  

Generation home built by Great grandpa 

Winding dirt road leads to the old farmhouse 

Jackie Chou

Wide-brimmed Hats

You know you're getting older,

when you start wearing wide-brimmed hats

to block the sun from tanning your face,

which has never occurred to you before.

When you start wearing wide-brimmed hats,

in colors that match your dresses,

which has never occurred to you before,

you might be losing the blush of youth.

In colorful dresses,

you roam the suburban streets.

You might be losing the blush of youth,

because no one is whistling at you.

You roam the suburban streets,

plucking flowers to adorn your hat,

because no one is whistling at you,

and that you wish to be admired.

Plucking flowers to adorn your hat, 

which blocks the sun from tanning your face,

oh, how you wish to be admired,

knowing you are getting older.

Achy Breaky Heart

I can hear the cracking of your heart

As we dance the tango chest to chest

Though you and her are now apart

To you, she will always be the cutest

As we dance the tango chest to chest

You pull me closer to feel your pelvis

To you, she will always be the cutest

At five-foot-four, you're no Billy Ray Cyrus

You pull me closer to feel your pelvis

But nothing compares to sex with her

At five-foot-four, you're no Billy Ray Cyrus

With teary eyes, your world is now a blur

Nothing compares to sex with her

Though you and her are now apart

With teary eyes, your world is now a blur

I can hear the cracking of your heart

Avoiding Doctors

The cat, who is sick,

doesn't want to go to the vet,

extracting probiotics

from his own vomit.

Not wanting to go to the vet,

he's rolling on his back,

covering up his own vomit,

his limbs stretched out starfish-like.

Rolling on our backs,

the cat and I avoid the doctors,

our limbs stretched out starfish-like,

in denial of our disorders.

The cat and I avoid the doctors,

naturally obtaining probiotics

for all our disorders,

knowing we’re both very sick.

Carl Stilwell AKA CaLokie

A Found Pantoum Poem from Mark 15:34 & Psalms 22 

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? *

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? **

Why are you so far from saving me?

O my God, I cry out day and night but you don’t hear me 

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

All they that see me laugh me to scorn

O my God, I cry out day and night, but you don’t hear me

In you our ancestors put their trust, and you delivered them

All they that see me laugh me to scorn

Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One

In you our ancestors put their trust, and you delivered them

But I am a worm a reproach of men, and despised of the people

Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One

All they that see me laugh me to scorn

I am a worm, a reproach of men, and despised of the people

Be not far from me; for trouble is near

All they that see me laugh me to scorn

I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint

Be not far from me; for trouble is near

You are my strength; come quickly to help me

I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint

Deliver me from the sword

You are my strength; come quickly to help me.

I will declare your name to my people 

Deliver me from the sword

Rescue me from the mouth of the lions

I will declare your name to my people

In the assembly I will praise you

Rescue me from the mouth of the lions

Why are you so far from saving me?

In the assembly I will praise you

Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? *

* In Luke 23:46 the gospel writer quotes Jesus last words on the cross, “Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit.” 

** This quote of Jesus was from Psalm 31:5


Eight people including 5-year-old boy killed by Hamas rockets fired into Israel.

Israel airstrikes kill close to 139 Palestinians, including 39 children.

“When I woke up I saw houses gone — nothing but dust.” *

Large parts of the Gaza Strip is left in rubble.

Israel has now killed about 219 Palestinians, including 63 children.

“They’re just kids. Why would you send a missile and kill them?” *

Large parts of the Gaza Strip is left in rubble.

Bodies of 16 women and 10 children are pulled from the debris.

"They’re just kids. Why would you send a missile and kill them?" *

U.S. President says Israel has the right to self-defense.

More bodies of women and children are pulled from the debris.

“The street? I don’t think it will go back to what it was.” *

U.S. President says Israel has the right to self-defense.

No electricity—waiting in dark for when next strike will come.

“The street? I don’t think it will go back to what it was.” *

All commercial areas are destroyed, so are the roads.” *

No electricity—waiting in dark for when next strike will come.

Palestinians live in open-air prison under air, land & sea blockade of Gaza..

All commercial areas are destroyed, so are the roads.

“There’s no place in Gaza that’s good for life.” *

Palestinians live in open-air prison under air, land & sea blockade of Gaza.

“What do you expect me to do? Fix it? I’m only 10.”*

“There’s no place in Gaza that’s good for life.” *

This 2021 war in Gaza followed those in 2008, 2012 and 2014.

“What do you expect me to do? Fix it? I’m only 10.”*

Nadeem Lateef’s 1st birthday was in 2012.

This 2021 war in Gaza followed those in 2008, 2012 and 2014.

A yellow canary lays crushed on the ground.

Nadeem Lateef’s 10th birthday was in 2021.

“When I woke up I saw houses gone — nothing but dust.” *

A yellow canary lays crushed on the ground.

Eight people including 5-year-old boy killed by Hamas rockets fired into Israel.


Don Kingfisher Campbell

Pantoum to Oblivion

Where the moon is full

I cannot bark at any one

I blindly stare at heaven

See trees worship sun light

I cannot bark at any one

Even though it is mid night

See trees worship sun light

A glow glints on every thing

Even though it is mid night

Distant waves glimmer again

A glow glints on every thing

And again I am awe struck

Distant waves glimmer again

The sand of the land walk

And again I am awe struck

Tells me I am not alone

The sand of the land walk

In this moment silent fall

Tells me I am not alone

When a life only wishes

In this moment silent fall

There will be time to flee

When a life only wishes

To the bliss of unbeing

There will be time to flee

I blindly stare at heaven

To the bliss of unbeing

Where the moon is full

The sun rose this morning

Actually the earth turned

And here we are again

Those of us who got through

Another diurnal day and night

And here we are again

Can you still walk like a human

Another diurnal day and night

Can you still talk like a being

Will you still walk like a human

Do you hear breakfast cooking

Will you still talk like a being

Do you feel the air's chill

If you hear breakfast cooking

Well then you've come this far

If you feel the air's chill

What do you have to show

Well then you've come this far

Maybe a job, house, marriage, kids

What do you have to show

If you're gifted you could have

Maybe a job, house, marriage, kids

Making some art, music, poetry

If you're gifted you could be

Thanking the muses we made up

Making some art, music, poetry

Those of us who got through

Thank the muses we made up

The earth actually turned

Michelle Smith

The city of LA proclaimed 12.13.23 Depeche Mode Day All the hits of this retro four men  British band David Gahan you've got the moves a...